Hungry Little Minds – Croydon

The Campaign

The Institute of Wellbeing (IOW) has collaborated with Department for Education, National Literacy Trust and local community partnerships as part of a national borough-wide place-based pilot to jointly engage disadvantaged and vulnerable parents and carers of children 0-5 years old from multi-ethnic backgrounds in helping to improve early communication, language and literacy development. IOW, as Croydon’s lead partner, has been working directly with local Community Partners and Wellbeing Champions to deliver campaign objectives across the borough’s diverse communities.

Our Current Partners

Our Initiatives

Given that children learn most vocabulary in the home, the best way to reduce the word gap is to introduce a deliberate, detailed and disciplined home learning environment where parents and children are encouraged to ‘chat more, play together and read aloud’ with daily, weekly and monthly activities and fun challenges.

Become a partner

We need commercial / voluntary organisations, public sector service or local partners like you at the heart of the community to help us reach as many parents and carers as possible – to co-create an environment where ‘chat, play, read’ behaviours are encouraged.  Be part of the Croydon – Hungry Little Minds Campaign and request a Partnership Pack today.

Campaign Partnership

Get in touch to learn more about working in partnership, whether you’re looking for proactive wellbeing support across the year or specific training, we would love to talk to you.