- A greater awareness of self-love and self-worth.
- Improved skills to empower your yourself and create the right environment
- Practical tips to achieve goals and life plans through better time and self-management.
- Increased confidence in overcoming unexpected life scenarios.
- A deeper understanding of how to use creative visualisation.
- Awareness of the benefits of creative visualisation.
- Insight and confidence to use distinct leadership styles to meet different situations and use assertive behaviour.
Life Choices
A course in personal growth
Course details
This course is designed to explore aspects of personal growth focusing on self-management, self-assertion, coping with stress and self-acceptance. Participants are encouraged to take part in focussed discussions, self-leadership and personal reflections, using the resources to consider ways to develop a more positive self-image and explicit life goals/plan.

The aim of this course is to:
- Explore issues of identity, self-awareness and positive self-esteem
- Practice self-assertion and effective communication
- Consider ways to overcome challenges and manage stress
- Identify available life choices and develop individual goals
How does the course work

Group Training
The course consists of four 2-hour modules for groups of no less than ten participants who will be working with one of our expert Institute of Wellbeing facilitators.

The activities are designed to explore aspects of personal growth focusing on self-awareness, self-assertion, coping with stress and self-acceptance.
Individuals are encouraged to take part in focussed discussions, small group tasks and personal reflection, using the resources provided to consider ways to develop a more positive self-image and explicit life goals.
The activities are designed to explore aspects of personal growth f
ocusing on
self-awareness, self-assertion, coping with stress and self-acceptance.
Individuals are encouraged to take part in focussed discussions, small
tasks and personal reflection, using the resources provided to consider
to develop a more positive self-image and explicit life goals.

The modules can be completed over:
- One day
- Two half days
- Four consecutive sessions at a time to suit the employer
The activities are designed to explore aspects of personal growth f
ocusing on
self-awareness, self-assertion, coping with stress and self-acceptance.
Individuals are encouraged to take part in focussed discussions, small
tasks and personal reflection, using the resources provided to consider
to develop a more positive self-image and explicit life goals.
What you will learn
By taking this course you should have:
Course outline
Module 1 - Self-Awareness
Participants are encouraged to explore issues of identity, self-awareness and positive self-esteem
Module 2 - Saying what you mean
Participants are given opportunities to practice self-assertion and effective communication
Module 3 - Life Challenges
Participants consider ways to overcome the challenges in their lives and manage their stress
Module 4 - Life Choices
Participants are helped to identify available life choices and develop individual goals