Health and safety policy

1. Application.

This policy applies equally to all employees, volunteers, work experience,

2. Policy Statement.

2.1 The following Policy Statement is issued under signature of the CEO.

“Safety at work continues to be of paramount importance. Even though we work within an office environment, I am personally committed to the introduction, maintenance and development of safe working practices within the Institute of Wellbeing. The safety requirement is all around us, in everything we do, in the way we approach our daily working routine, when working alone or with other people and in our design and set up of new working practices. Being safe, not only assists every one of us to be more efficient in our daily work, but it is a clear sign of the respect we have for ourselves and our colleagues when we are at work. It is important that everyone feels comfortable and re-assured working with the Institute of Wellbeing; safety is the responsibility of us all and we must therefore work together to develop our safe practices and thereby build an environment in which we would all wish to work”

3. Safety Policy Arrangements.

3.1 Day to day management responsibility for these policies are devolved to the Programme Manager. All policies will be in full compliance with current legislation.

3.2 The observance of good Health & Safety principles remain the responsibility of everyone. Through the sensible and practical application of common sense, most needs of Health & Safety within our environment will be met.

4. Health & Safety Checks.

4.1 To ensure that the Institute of Wellbeing meets all statutory requirements, the following Health & Safety Checks, by outside agencies, as a minimum, will be

  • Annual inspection and certification of all fire appliances.
  • Annual Office Environmental Advisory Visit.
  • Annual inspection of Emergency electrical circuitry.

5. Risk Management.

5.1 Risk Assessment will be continuous, identifying risk associated with business and those work activities arising from it which may affect employees, volunteers, work experience, agency, contractors or the general public.

5.2 The Institute of Wellbeing will diligently seek ways to eradicate, reduce or control all areas of risk on an ongoing basis.

6. Accidents, Reporting & Recording.

6.1 The Facilities Assistant will maintain an Accident Reporting Book.
6.2 It is the responsibility of all staff to report all accidents that occur on the premises, however minor, for inclusion in the Accident Reporting Book.
6.3 In the event of need for minor first aid treatment, a number of staff are qualified to practice first aid. Details of those staff currently qualified are displayed on each of the Health & Safety notice boards.
6.4 A First Aid box is located at the Reception, for the use by anyone following an accident. The box will be checked and refilled on a monthly basis by the Programme Manager.
6.5 In the event of a more serious accident, where hospital treatment is considered necessary, call an ambulance by dialing 999 or 112. It is likely that any patient will be taken to the nearest accident and emergency unit.


7.1 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) is an essential part of our Health & Safety policy. The Programme Manager will maintain an up to date register at all times of all such substances used on the premises, with their Safety Data sheets as appropriate.
7.2 Care will be taken to supply safe alternative products and materials, if they are available, in an ongoing effort to protect staff from any unnecessary risk.

8. Emergency Evacuation.

8.1 In the interests of good Health & Safety, the Institute of Wellbeing will practice emergency evacuation drills, under direction of the Programme Manager at least twice each year.

9. Safe Working Practices.

9.1 The Institute of Wellbeing expects all staff to work safely at all times and to not compromise the safety of themselves or others.
9.2 The Institute of Wellbeing’s commitment to providing a safe working environment and safe system of work is detailed in the Safety Policy Statement at paragraph 2 above.

10.Fitness for Work.

10.1 The Institute of Wellbeing recognises its responsibility to ensure all staff are competent and fit for duty whilst carrying out their work.
10.2 The Institute of Wellbeing applies the recognised industry medical standards as an integral part of the recruitment process.
10.3 Both of the above form a part of the standard contract of employment.

11. Environmental Controls.

11.1 The Institute of Wellbeing aims to provide a safe, clean and healthy working environment that meets both the business, staff and customer expectations. seeks to be a caring organisation concerned with environmental issues.
11.2 Action will be taken to resolve those issues that adversely affect either the quality of life or the workplace environment.

12. Communication.

12.1 The Institute of Wellbeing will communicate with staff and contractors and, where appropriate, provide information of a safety nature as required.
12.2 Staff will be informed of safety issues through the normal channels of communication.
12.3 All matters of Health & Safety arising will be discussed between Management and Staff at routine Staff Meetings. The minutes of these meetings are made known to all staff.

13. Reporting.

13.1 If anyone has specific concerns or questions regarding Health and Safety, they should make those to the Programme Manager.
13.2 If anyone feels a Health and Safety matter is being overlooked, ignored or not resolved in an acceptable manner, complaints may be made to the CEO above the Programme Manager.

14. Advice.

14.1 Any individual who is unsure of the extent of this policy, or requires further advice or guidance in understanding Programme Manager.

14.2 Individuals who believe they, or any other member of staff or public, have not been treated within the spirit of this policy, are encouraged to report that fact to the Programme Manager.

14.3 If it is established that anyone has failed to comply with this policy, and has committed an unlawful act of discrimination, disciplinary action may result.

15. Further Information.

15.1 We welcome any questions, comments or feedback you may have regarding our Health & Safety Policy. These should be addressed to the Progamme Manager.
15.2 This Health & Safety Policy will be published on our Website and on our staff Intranet. We will also provide paper copies and other alternate formats upon request, if possible.

16. Our Statement of General Policy is:

16.1 To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
16.2 To consult with our employees, contractors and volunteers on matters affecting their health and safety
16.3 To provide and maintain safe equipment
16.4 To ensure safe handling and use of substances
16.5 To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees, contractors and volunteers
16.6 To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training
16.7 To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
16.8 To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
16.9 To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.