1. Policy Purpose
Please raise your concerns immediately if you are unhappy about any aspect of the eLearning resource provided by the Institute of Wellbeing.*
This is the only method of official complaint and must be completed by the actual Learner. The Institute of Wellbeing is unable to deal with complaints from a Learner’s family, partner or associates unless the Learner is under 18.
*Any disagreements with the assessment decision made, please use the Appeals procedure below.
2. What is a Complaint?
The Institute of Wellbeing defines a complaint as a written or oral expression of dissatisfaction concerning the provision of a training programme or a provision of service or where the standard of service has fallen below the reasonable expected level provided. Learner and staff harassment, bullying and conduct is included in this category.
3. What is an Appeal?
The Institute of Wellbeing defines an Appeal as a request for a review of a decision taken by either an individual or a governing body by which decisions are made about any aspect of a users access of learning or learning experience.
Any decisions about registration, admission, fees, financial support, exceptional arrangements / adjustments, progression, awards, results or assessments are covered by the Appeals Procedure.
4. Confidentiality
All complaints and/or appeals will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence, where details will only be shared with staff who need to know in order to investigate and respond to the issues you have raised. Any person identified in a complaint or involved in the decision being appealed will be given details of the complaint or appeal and have the right to respond as part of the investigation.
5. Data Protection
As an Institute of Wellbeing Learner/user or staff member, you have rights to receive a copy of any personal information held under the Data Protection Act 1998 which is obtainable at a small administrative fee. This information can be requested by writing to the Data Protection Manager at our correspondence address – Institute of Wellbeing, 308 High Street, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 1NG.
If any data is inaccurate it will be corrected without delay. In general, the personal data we keep is comprised of:
- The information you supplied during registration
- Progress through the eLearner resource and payment details
- Employment/qualifications details and any training plans
These details are kept in secure online storage at all times.
The Institute of Wellbeing is registered under the Data Protection Act and will only share the information with other agencies who have agreed rights of access.
These are:
- the Awarding Body (External Verifiers)
- your employer (if your employer is sponsoring you)
6. Legal Action
Our complaints and appeals procedures are designed to help resolve problems as efficiently as possible. We suggest that you do not take legal action against the Institute of Wellbeing until these procedures have been completed.
7. Rights and Responsibilities
We will endeavor to:
- Handle queries, appeals and reviews within the time limits set out here and in any separate procedures;
- Explain the grounds on which you must base your appeal if it is to be considered;
- Make sure that all the points you raise are properly and impartially considered, and that there is no potential conflict of interest; • Explain outcomes clearly;
- Allow a companion to accompany you to any hearing;
- Respect all confidentiality by disclosing only the information that is necessary to consider and respond to your appeal, and only to staff who need it for those purposes;
- Always be respectful and courteous.
If you want to appeal against a decision you should:
- Check if the decision is covered by separate procedures or regulations, and has a time limit within which a query or appeal must be submitted make your appeal to the Institute of Wellbeing in writing;
- State the decision you are concerned about, set out the grounds for your query, appeal or request for review and the sequence of events, and refer to any earlier communication;
- Handle sensitively issues that involve other users or staff, and not name them unless it is absolutely necessary;
- Always be respectful and courteous.
8. Complaints & Appeals Procedure
Each of the 3 stages in the complaints procedure must be fully completed before proceeding to the next stage.
Stage 1
“On-the-spot” solutions – First contact your eTutor who will ensure that concerns are dealt with fairly and quickly within 7 days of the matter in question. If the complaint is about your eTutor then it would be inappropriate to discuss the matter with him/her – then please proceed with Stage 2.
Stage 2
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of stage 1 or if you are no longer on your eLearning resource, then please contact the eLearning Support Team on 0700 2222 700 (local landline rate) or email support@tiow.org, where your concerns will be investigated. Responses are usually within 5 working days.
Stage 3
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of Stage 2 you will need to complete a complaint/appeals form by forwarding to the eLearning Support Team at the correspondence address below or via email to support@tiow.org. Please substantiate any complaints/allegations with factual evidence and/or signed statements from witnesses. Response to appeals will be within 28 days.
Address: eLearning Support Team, Institute of Wellbeing, 308 High Street, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 1NG.
9. Ineligible Complaints or Appeals
The Institute of Wellbeing will reject a complaint or appeal if the complaint or appeal is considered to be ineligible – if it falls in the following category:
- If the complaint or appeal is out of time and there are no exceptional circumstances for extending the time limit;
- If it bares no facts, evidence or other circumstances which could reasonably support a complaint against the Institute of Wellbeing or an appeal against a decision of the Institute of Wellbeing;
- The fundamental issues in the complaint or appeal have been addressed previously and the Institute of Wellbeing procedures have been completed;
- If it is being pursued in an unreasonable manner likely to cause disruption, distress, inconvenience, delay or unreasonable expense;
- If it contains wholly unsubstantiated accusations against members of the Institute of Wellbeings’ staff or persons connected with members of Institute of Wellbeing staff alleging discrimination, harassment, fraud, dishonesty, conflict of interest, sexual impropriety or other serious misconduct.
10. Monitoring, Assessing and Reporting
The Institute of Wellbeing is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the planning and provision of our online products and services meet the needs of all our clients and employees.
The Senior Management Group is responsible for monitoring the progress we make on promoting equality in everything they do, and collectively they are responsible for realising the commitments outlined in this Policy.
Some members of staff have specific responsibilities with regards to this Policy:
- Accountability for this Appeals & Complaints Policy rests with the Chief Executive.
- The Senior Management Team is responsible for ensuring that the Institute of Wellbeing has an effective framework in place to deliver the outcomes identified in this Policy.
- All Mangers have day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that their teams deliver the outcomes identified in this Policy.
- The Programme Manager is responsible for coordinating, monitoring and reviewing this Policy as it covers all services delivery and product development.
- The Institute of Wellbeing monitors, assesses and reviews the effectiveness of its Appeals & Complaints policy and all the functions relating to learners including eLearners will continue to be monitored and reviewed.
11. Advice
Any individual who is unsure of the extent of this policy, or requires further advice or guidance in understanding it, should seek assistance from either their Line Manager or Personnel Officer.
Individuals who believe they, or any other member of staff or public, have not been treated within the spirit of this policy, are encouraged to report that fact to their Training Manager, or directly to Personnel.
If it is established that anyone has failed to comply with this policy, and has committed an unlawful act of discrimination, disciplinary action may result.
12. Further Information
We welcome any questions, comments or feedback you may have regarding our Appeals & Complaints Policy. These should be addressed to the Institute of Wellbeing Progamme Manager.
This Appeals and Complaints Policy will be published on our Website and on our staff Intranet. We will also provide paper copies and other alternate formats upon request, if possible.